Category Archives: WorldBank

World Bank – CII : Masterclass on ‘Credit Reporting’, Tue, Sep 27, 2016 2:30 PM IST

In a country’s financial infrastructure, ‘Credit Reporting’ is a vital part and is also an activity of public interest. Studies in developed countries suggest that in an economy, the presence of a robust credit information system helps the spread of outflow of finances.

MSMEs in India are yet to be fully represented in credit bureaus. They are yet to leverage the benefits offered by credit bureaus and credit rating agencies to build, maintain and enhance their financial track records and credit standing.

To enhance the awareness about Credit Reporting, the SME Finance Facilitation Centre of CII is organizing an online session on ‘Credit Information Awareness Training’, in collaboration with the World Bank Group. In this session, a team from the World Bank Group would disseminate this knowledge by:

  • introducing new knowledge on this subject
  • helping to understand the nuances
  • assisting MSMEs to create a financial attitude for themselves

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Contingent Liabilities Risk Management: A Credit Risk Analysis Framework for Sovereign Guarantees and On-Lending

Sovereign credit guarantees and government on-lending can catalyze private sector investment and fulfill specific policy objectives. However, contingent liabilities stemming from guarantees and contingent assets stemming from on-lending expose governments to risk. Prudent risk management, including risk analysis and measurement, can help identify and mitigate these risks

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World Bank : Growing the Green Bond Market to Finance a Cleaner, Resilient World

  • Green bonds give investors an innovative way of supporting clean energy, mass transit, and other low-carbon projects that can help countries adapt to and mitigate climate change.
  • The World Bank has mobilized over $4.5 billion through 60 green bond transactions in 17 currencies, and the IFC has issued $3.4 billion in green bonds, including two $1 billion issuances in 2013.
  • New Green Bond Principles and a call to double the market by September are helping expand the young market and attracting a new set of investors.